
Clarity is cleaning out the mess, coming across old papers, and finding that your goals 9 years ago really aren’t all that different from today. Clarity? Maybe insanity. HA! Not sure which at this point.

Clarity In My Desires for What I Want In A Job

Approximately nine years ago, seems like only one or two, I was given the opportunity to take part in free life coaching sessions. We spent hours on the phone discussing, asking hard questions, and really delving into the desires of my heart for what I wanted in a career.

Then life happened. I had the opportunity to start my Thirty-One business, started subbing in the schools, and worked both of those for several years allowing me to stay home with my kids. What I didn’t do was branch out of my comfort zone and fully chase what my heart was saying it wanted. 

Fast forward to this week when I was cleaning out old papers. I came across the notebook I used during coaching sessions. I found pages where I said what I didn’t want. Read them and they still rang true. Found the pages where the negatives were crossed out and the positive statements of clarity were listed. Those still rang true too! I read each one and my heart and head both agreed. The items on this list are still my sticking points of what I am looking for nine years later!

There’s The Insanity!

Let that soak in for a moment…for nine years I allowed myself to be on cruise control. Rolling along in my most comfortable to me space. Branching out but allowing life to dictate where I went instead of me controlling where I was going because of the fear of the unknown. I had many positive experiences that I wouldn’t trade for anything. But my brain immediately went into the mode of what did I miss not allowing myself to dream bigger? Where could I be financially and career-wise if I’d taken a chance on myself back then?

I’m not a person that dwells in the what-ifs. That gets me nowhere fast. So instead, I got out a fresh journal. I wrote down all of the statements of clarity that still ring true. I wrote down my desire statement that still tugs at my heart. I put the journal where I see it every morning and I read it each day. Instead of looking on the job boards at jobs that follow what I’ve done for the past few years, I started using new keywords to find jobs that may align better with my desires for a career.

I haven’t found the perfect job yet…but I know I’m getting closer. I can feel the excitement starting to well up in me again. I can sense that God has something bigger planned for my future and I’m opening my heart to the possibilities!
